Linux : the Hacker's Choice

Written by MG Hacker


->Yeah, Linux is the kind of Operating System (OS) as windows.
-> Most of hacker uses linux, it provide favourable environment for hackers and many software developers also. As its name is weird "Linux" same as this linux system is totally different than windows.
-> Linux is a community of open-source Unix like operating system that are based on the Linux Kernal.
->It was initially released by Linus Torvalds on september 17, 1991.

>>Before I start

Linux is not a os, it is a kernal. OS based on linux kernal are called linux based os. Some examples of linux based systems are Linux Mint, Kali Linux, Parrot, Reghat linux, etc.

>> What is Kernal?

->A Kernal is a computer program that is the heart and core of an operaitng system. It manages all parts of the system like hardware software.
->The Kernal is responsible for low-level tasks such as
1- Disk Management
2- Memory Management
3- Task management
4- Security management
5- Device Management
6 -Resource allocation and etc.

>> Advantages of Linux System.

what is inux and linux kernal. Let us see what are the advantages of using linux. I will tell you few advantages that attract hackers to use linux system.
I am sure after knowing about these advantages you'll also like to use linux system. So here we go.

1- The best part of linux is that attracts hackers most is that linux system are open source operating system. So now you will be thinking what does this Open-Source Operating system means, don't worry i am here to tell. Open source system means the soure code of the operating system is publicly avaiable and anyone can make changes according to their need. This advtantage provide hackers to modify their operating system as per their use.
2-It is freely avaiable and has a large community.
3-It is fast, It does not require special type of hardware. It runs smoothly in any low end devices becuase linux based system are light weighted.
4-It maintains privacy.
5-It can perform different task very smoothly even if it has not enough storage.
6-It is secure, No chance to affected by any kind of virus. This advantage attracts many malware analyzer and malware developers.

>> Disadvantages of Linux System.

Now you guys will be thinking if it has advantages then their must be some disadvantages. Yeah you thought right but but but ......
For now I have only one disadvantage of linux based system. Linux based system are confusing for beginners, It is not easy to understand and manage this operating system. It requires lot of time to run it according to you.
After this Linux also provide many options for users. If they are not able to operate any linux based OS or not good for them then they can switch to another. Then for this a term comes "Linux Distros ".

>>Linux Distros

There are number of distros here I am giving some commonly used distros.
1- Android
2- Arch Linux
3- Centos
4- Debian
5- Elementary OS
6- Fedora
7- Gentoo Linux
8- Linux Mint
9- Ubuntu
10- Manjaro Linux
11- Puppy Linux

>>Knowledge Bonus

Ubuntu Server can run on systems with only 512MB of RAM. You can see by this how much linux distros are lighweighted.


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by MG Hacker