Darkside of Scams (Win free laptop, iphone, tablet )

Written by MG Hacker

>>What are these scams and what is their intention?

So basically their intention is to get some data from us. And use that for some purpose, it can be wrong or right depend on the attacker.

>>Why I need to write this Blog?

Many people know about these scams but they just fill details for just time pass or fun. So I need to write this blog to aware and tell the reality of these scams, these are so much dangerous scam. In our Hacking language this types of attack comes inside the Term SOCIAL ENGNEERING.
Social Engineering is type of technique or attack in which attacker tries to manage his/her victims mind to take over control of his/her mind.

>> What kind of data ?

They want our digital data like our ip address, cookies, mac address, device details, location, and many more.

>> Different types data stolen by attackers and their uses by the attacker

1- IP Address - Internet Protocol address
Every device has a unique digital address. They can use it for IP spoofing. IP Spoofing - in that attacker uses anyone IP in its own device like If i will assign your IP in my device now my device has your device address so if now i will visit any website it will get to know your ip hence it mean you visited that website but actually it was visited by me .It can be too much harmful if an attacker used your IP for doing some illegal stuffs.
2- MAC Adress - Media Access Control Address
It is a six byte hexadecimal address. IT is physical address of our network interface like in our phone there is a controller that controls all networking process, it has its a physical address like our network has ip address same as our network device has mac address. As hacker can use IP for spoofing so he can also use your MAC for MAC spoofing to do illegal kind of things using your device identity.
3- Network Details
So you will be thinking what he can do by using network details. Remember by this a kind of scam even many big people couldn't escape from it. Let as you are a business man. you used this scam website opened it and attacker got your ip, mac, location. So now attacker has IP, MAC, and your location. Attacker will come into your area and will getinto your network and as he has your IP and MAC so he can now do IP and MAC spoofing. You will be thinking what is the problem in this, attacker has spoofed his IP and MAC in that business man's network now all mails and data that was going to business man device will goto attacker device as he has spoofed business man's IP and MAC. and by this the attacker can also take over all the controls of his business. Now you can think how much big risky are these scams. By just opening that fake link your whole career, business can be ruined.
4- Device Details
He can get to know many details related to device and he can sell that data on Darkweb.
5- Location
I already told you in the example of network details. By location attacker can do anything.
6- OS details (like os version, os type, os installed date and many more)
As OS details he can try to infect your device and can hack your device.
Attacker can use these all details for hacking you and ruining your life and for illegal purpose. Even he can make a good data using all your data and can sell it on Darkweb for earning purposes. Darkweb is part of web that is not accessible by a normal person. It is accessed by hackers and IT proffessionals.


>>One more example how it can be harmful

okay, so let there is a girl name her as Angella.
She was using her phone as usual she uses one day one link of scam came on her whatsapp.
That scam was of winning Iphone for free.
She opened that link.
So IN THE BACKSIDE of this The attacker has now that girls IP, MAC, Location, Device Details.
now website is asking for some commmon info like her name age mobile no and some other details. now after clicking on that submit button. She reached to another page where she has to share tha website to her friends, so she can win iphone or move to next step.
BUT IN BADCKSIDE when she pressed on that submit button she has given attacker her camera access now the attacker can she her live image.
She shared that link to her friends so she can further move to next step. And at the end website showe we will contact you soon thans for coming your iphone will be delivered in few hours. and sometimes even you know it is fake and you do all step and exit it but in real it is not ended. Angella exited the website and as usual continued using her phone. So now attacker has her cam access he can she her at all time live. Attacker has her image, no, Name he will search for her social media will collect more information about Angella and after getting some sensitive and private inforamtion about her attacker will start to blackmail using some anonymous mailing, messaging techniques. And after that you know how much it can be dangerous for that girl.

>>I have one threat report of this type of scam.

It is a report of iphone scam.
What is Win The New iPhone 12 scam?
The main purpose of this scam is to trick people into providing contact and other information that supposedly will be used to contact winners of the iPhone 12. Nobody ever wins anything through websites like this one, on the contrary, people who fall for such scams lose money, become victims of identity theft, lose access to personal accounts and/or encounter other issues.
At last I will say be aware of these things and share this blog so more people may get know about these scams. YOUR SECURITY IN YOUR HANDS.


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by MG Hacker